Curvatrice manuale MAM Serie
per tubiper profilatia 2 rulli trascinatori

curvatrice manuale
curvatrice manuale
curvatrice manuale
curvatrice manuale
curvatrice manuale
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Prodotto trattato
per tubi, per profilati
Numero di rulli
a 2 rulli trascinatori
orizzontale, verticale


The manual profile bending machines of the MAM series fully developed by AMOB feature manual adjustment and are the entry level equipment to the world's largest range of profile benders. These profile bending machines are simple, compact, extremely easy to operate and economical, which makes it possible to bend a wide variety of profiles, depending on the work to be done or the available space, they can work in a horizontal or vertical position. The adjustment of the top roll is manual, and its position is guaranteed using a scale. The positioning stability of the top roll is ensured by a lock nut. The MAM series features models with two or three driven rolls with two rotational speeds, the choice depending on the radius and profile to be performed. Perfect for simpler products and small quantities, these bending machines with lateral guides are capable of powering various industries.




Fiere a cui parteciperà questo venditore

BIEMH 2024
BIEMH 2024

3-07 giu 2024 Bilbao (Spagna) Hall 5 - Stand C-23

  • Maggiori informazioni
    * I prezzi non includono tasse, spese di consegna, dazi doganali, né eventuali costi d'installazione o di attivazione. I prezzi vengono proposti a titolo indicativo e possono subire modifiche in base al Paese, al prezzo stesso delle materie prime e al tasso di cambio.