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Tester di immersione nel diclorometano JJPDRT-01
per tubidi tubo termoplasticodi tubi

tester di immersione nel diclorometano
tester di immersione nel diclorometano
tester di immersione nel diclorometano
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Tipo di test
di immersione nel diclorometano
Prodotto testato
per tubi, di tubo termoplastico, di tubi
per R&S, da laboratorio


Dichloromethane Resistance Tester for Pipes Overview JJPDRT-01 is designed for determining the resistance of unplasticized poly (vinylchloride) (PVC-U) pipes to dichloromethane at a specified temperature. It is applicable to all PVC-U pipes, irrespective of their intended use. The method can be used as a rapid means of quality control during manufacturer. Test standard ISO 9852 Characters A piece of PVC-U pipe, of specified length, chamfered at one end to an angle dependent on its thickness, is immersed for 30min in dichloromethane, at a temperature specified by the referring standard, to verify that the PVC-U is not attached at that temperature. For safety reasons, the surface area of the dichloromethane is kept to the minimum and the dichloromethane is covered by a deep layer of water to reduce evaporation. After immersion in the dichloromethane, the test piece is held in the water layer to allow it to “drip” before final drying and inspection.


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